Wednesday, October 25, 2006

So Far, A Good Day

Today's my first day back at work after a nasty bout of what I originally thought was food poisoning, but instead was more than likely some kind of stomach virus. I'm sure the days old sushi I ate didn't help, but considering that my mom got the same thing the next day and she didn't eat what I ate, that would pretty much kill the food poisoning theory. Thankfully, hers wasn't half as bad as mine, and she recovered a lot quicker.

It's been good seeing everyone again after a week. I actually got a few hugs from people, which is always nice. You don't realize how much you're missed until you're gone. So far, I feel pretty good. I got some much needed rest, even though I didn't feel well for most of the time. I'm definitely going to take it easy with the food until I'm sure everything's cool.

One thing I'm really looking forward to is checking out the R&B duo, Floetry, tonight at S.O.B.'s. I've been wanting to see them for the last two years, but either the timing was bad, or I was broke (or both), so this time I was bound and determined not to miss them again. Unfortunately, my co-worker/friend, Stefanie, cancelled on me at the last minute, so now I've got an extra ticket to get rid of. She offered to still pay for it, but I'd much rather get someone else to go. If that doesn't work I could still try and sell it at the club—this way everyone wins (although I'd rather not go alone).


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