Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Resolutions for Life

I’ll be going back to work in exactly two weeks. In the time that I’ve been home recovering, I’ve been focusing on rest and healing (which was the goal) and as far as I’m concerned, mission accomplished.

Another goal was to begin a wellness program that includes meditation, exercise, and healthy eating. I’ve also been doing a lot of reading of health and spiritually-themed books. The thing is, there are just so many good things to get into. As I start one thing, I find something else to get into. Then the next thing comes along and takes my attention from what I was just doing. I’m like a kid in a candy store with all this. It’s great, but my biggest concern is that I’ll end up dropping it all when I go back to work. I know I shouldn’t be afraid of this, but this has always been my pattern. I get real fired up about something, then lose interest after something more pressing or engaging comes along.

My resolution this time is to maintain all the good things I’ve started. This isn’t about quitting smoking or losing weight, noble pursuits that they are (not to mention that I could stand to lose a few), it’s about developing lifelong practices, things that will sustain me in this life and beyond. As a spiritual being, there’s nothing more important than my spiritual life. So regardless of how demanding my job is, or how tired or distracted I get, I always have to bring myself back to center. I’ve got to find that place within myself and check in on a regular basis, otherwise what’s the point? It has to be different now. My life depends on it.

So at a time when people are beginning to slide off of their New Year’s resolutions, I’m resolving to reconnect with myself on a deeper level—a higher level—for life.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dats da fak, Jak:
We ALL must perish.
So, hope in Seventh-Heaven...
not on the things of earth.
God bless your indelible soul.
Cya soon...

8:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dats da fak, Jak:
We ALL must perish.
So, hope in Seventh-Heaven...
not on the things of earth.
God bless your indelible soul.
Cya soon...

8:55 PM  

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