Saturday, June 25, 2005

Babies, I'm Back!

I'm finally over the phone trauma that's plagued me for the past month. I've got my phone service back, I'm online again, and I can finally start blogging. I actually could have gone to the library, but I was much too lazy for that (even though it's just across the street from my house). It's hard to change how you do things once you've set up a routine.

I did attempt the audio posts, but they just weren't the same for me. I thought I'd be doing that everyday, but I couldn't quite get into the rhythm of it. It was an interesting experience, but it's hard to hear the sound of my own voice. I just like writing better.

Thanks to anyone who has checked out this blog or New Word, and for anyone who has commented on either site, thank you, and I apologize for not answering back.


Blogger Modigliani said...

Nice to see you back, Mel!

11:25 PM  

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