Saturday, June 25, 2005

My New Cyberpet

I was checking out a blog from my newest commenter, Zenday, and saw a link to a site called, where you can adopt a virtual pet. I decided to adopt a goldfish which I named Midas 3rd. Check him out in the sidebar. If you want to see him swim, you'll have to click on the "play with me" link.

I named him Midas 3rd in tribute to my last two goldfish (real ones) that died tragic, untimely deaths a few years ago. As you may have surmised, they were named Midas and Midas 2nd.

Midas originally shared the tank with a laid back black moor named Sammy that he ultimately harassed to death. I replaced Sammy with a calico goldfish named Jasper which was a much better match for him. After they died, I replaced them with identical fish, Midas 2nd and Jasper 2nd, who eventually went the same route.

Watching them all die was far too traumatic, so I didn't want to do the fish thing again for a while. Maybe one day I'll set up another aquarium, but in the meantime my cyberfish will make a nice transition.


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