Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wrong Plate, Wrong Time

I had quite the deja vu moment this evening. To explain, let me go back.

I arrived at the conference center last night around 7. Having been here before, I knew that dinner was served until 9, so I was in plenty of time. After checking in and dropping my bags off in the room, I headed straight to the dining room.

Fancy place that this is, a waiter greeted me at the door and asked who I'm here with, so I tell him the name of the company and he directs me to the buffet. I start filling my plate with all kinds of salads and a nice piece of fish, and was quite proud of myself for staying away from the pasta. He then comes back and says that my group isn't scheduled to be served until the next day (today), but that I could eat anyway.

Just as I'm getting ready to find a seat, the manager comes over and tells me the same thing the waiter did. The difference is, he refused to let me stay. I couldn't believe it! All day I was looking forward to this and he pulls the rug right out from under me. All I could do is put the plate down and leave. I tried to play it off, but I was quite embarrassed and angry. They'd rather throw that food in the garbage than let me eat it. Unreal!

Thank God for Chinese takeout, or I'd have gone to bed one hungry ass! (Is there anyplace they don't deliver?)

Cut to this evening. It's about 6:30 and I return to the scene of the crime. There was no buffet like last night, and there was no one in the dining room. I did see a buffet and tables set up on the patio outside, so I asked a waiter if everything had moved out there. He said yes, so I went out and got in line. By the time I filled my plate and was at the bar table for drinks, a man came over and told me it was a private party. I couldn't believe this was happening! It was deja vu all over again. Fortunately, they let me keep my food this time. I was then directed to where I should have been in the first place.

To keep things consistent, I overstuffed myself once again. This time it was the creme brulee that got me. After I get home, I'll have to be sugar-free for the rest of the month to make up for these two days. Until then, tomorrow's another day.


Blogger Modigliani said...

LOL!!! ... Creme Brulee ... YUM! YUM! YUM! ... !!!! I couldn't resist either.

But their freakiness over the buffet was RUDE! Sheeeesh!

10:17 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Yeah, Mo. That whole buffet thing was a trip. I can always count on you to be understanding about the diet stuff--esp. the flan. :-)

BTW: I think Mr. Anonymous above you is spam. This is his second visit to my blog, and there's always a drug link. What do you think? I may have to set up word verification too now.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Melanie, you should be able to delete those spam comments. I get at least 3-5 every time I post but I just delete them. BTW, that's unbelieveable that they wouldn't let you eat. I would have been pissed!

4:18 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Thanks for the tip, Crystal. I never even thought about that little trash can below each comment. I'll have to start using it.

What I forgot to mention was that I could have eaten—FOR $45 A PLATE! That just wasn't going to happen; not when there's $9 Chinese takeout as an option.

7:38 PM  

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