Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Just Taking A Break

It's about 12:30AM and I'm up cleaning, of all things. This is so out of the usual for me, but I'm leaving town tomorrow, and I hate for things to be a mess when I get back. I'll only be gone a couple days, but it makes no difference. I could have started earlier, but I needed my brainpower for the computer. I did some good work on the new website, so I have no regrets.

Cleaning requires little thinking, so now's as good a time as any. It's actually given me some needed energy for packing. The packing won't take long, as this is a typical business trip and the wardrobe is basically the same every time. I have two "powersuits" that I wear for this gig, and I'll only need one, so it's a no-brainer. I have no complaints; just glad I'll be working.

I also get to travel outside the tri-state area, which is a welcomed change. We're going to Roswell, GA, so I actually get to fly. That'll be different. I usually have to wake up at ungodly hours of the morning to report to work at 7:30AM, as I have a fairy long commute on public transportion. It's particularly rough because my normal hours are so different; I don't usually start stirring before 9, and don't go to sleep till after midnight, so my circadian rhythm is completely shot to hell with this gig. It usually takes about one whole day to recover.

I don't work this gig very often anymore. It's freelance, and they call when they need me. They've been needing me less and less these days, which sucks, but at least they still call sometimes. I think I'm one of the only camera people they have left.

The company I work for teaches presentations skills to corporate types at big companies, and I videotape the students in action. It's pretty basic stuff. Once I get setup in the mornings, I only shoot at 10 to 20 minute intervals 3-4 times a day. A pretty sweet gig. The worst part of the job is getting there. Reporting to work so early is pretty rough, so I have to struggle to stay awake in between tapings. I usually bring something to read, which is good. Or I'll play a game on my PDA or cell phone. Sometimes I actually listen to the lectures, and every once in a while they'll ask me to sit in if they're short a student. This I can do without, but it beats a real job.

Some of the locations are pretty swank, so that's definitely a perk. The food they throw out in one day could feed a family for a week. It's amazing the kind of money these corporations have to throw around. But again, I'm not complaining. Just glad for the work.

Now let me go pack!


Blogger Modigliani said...

Oh! A trip, a trip, a trip! Sounds fun. The packing and cleaning up before hand is always the worst. Unless you count the unpacking and laundry that has to get done afterward! :)

Have fun!

10:30 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Sounds like the life! ;-) Corps. do throw a lot of money around and I'm a sucker for Free Food!

8:44 PM  

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