Hangin' with blip
I've got a little over an hour left before quittin' time, and I figured I'd give an update. Last night I got to meet some NYC videobloggers at a get-together the blip.tv crew were having. Since Ryanne & Jay left for San Francisco in March there really haven't been regular vlogger meetups (at least none that I know of), so it's been awhile since I've seen some folk. Yesterday, Jonny Goldstein stopped by MNN so that was a pleasant surprise. Turns out, he produces a show here.
I really enjoyed myself, despite being reprimanded by a bouncer at the door for wearing sneakers (turns out I wasn't the only one wearing them), and the $9 Heinekin (which they insisted had to be in a glass).
It was cool meeting Mike from blip.tv, Clark from ZipZapZop, and Monika from Becoming A Nurse. It was also great seeing Peter from Mefeedia and his lady, Maria, again, as well as Charles (thanks for the invite) and Dina from blip.tv. Thankfully, I didn't have to come in till 12 today, or I'd never have been able to hang as late as I did.