Friday, May 26, 2006

Hangin' with blip

I've got a little over an hour left before quittin' time, and I figured I'd give an update. Last night I got to meet some NYC videobloggers at a get-together the crew were having. Since Ryanne & Jay left for San Francisco in March there really haven't been regular vlogger meetups (at least none that I know of), so it's been awhile since I've seen some folk. Yesterday, Jonny Goldstein stopped by MNN so that was a pleasant surprise. Turns out, he produces a show here.

I really enjoyed myself, despite being reprimanded by a bouncer at the door for wearing sneakers (turns out I wasn't the only one wearing them), and the $9 Heinekin (which they insisted had to be in a glass).

It was cool meeting Mike from, Clark from ZipZapZop, and Monika from Becoming A Nurse. It was also great seeing Peter from Mefeedia and his lady, Maria, again, as well as Charles (thanks for the invite) and Dina from Thankfully, I didn't have to come in till 12 today, or I'd never have been able to hang as late as I did.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Everything's Everything!

I really wanted to get something up here before now. I've just got way too much stuff going on to keep up these days. Right now I'm sitting at my new job at MNN (yes, I got the job!) with a bad case of laryngitis. I've been sick all week, which sucks for my first week at work. What makes it worse is that I was sick just a couple of weeks ago. Just when I thought I was getting over it, WHAM! I get hit all over again. Between the sickness and the long hours (13 between work and commute each day), I've barely been functional. (Thank God for drugs—and a 4-day schedule.) ;-)

So far, so good on the job. There's always that adjustment period, but the people are great and there's always something different going on here, which keeps it interesting. I look forward to feeling better and being really able to get my feet wet.

Right now, there's a quiet moment, so I figured now's as good a time to post. As far as the blogosphere is concerned, it's going to be a challenge juggling everything. I've got to implement some serious time management techniques to keep it all going. I don't doubt that it'll all work out. If I can get a real job—with benefits—after basically being unemployed for 20 years, then anything's possible!