Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Funky Fresh 80's

I've got this 80's party tonight. It's a sendoff for one of my God's Love friends who's joining the Peace Corp. I'm excited about going, but not about the 80's gear we're supposed to wear.

I'm not really a theme party kind of girl. It's just not worth the expense for me since I'm on a strict budget right now. But I don't want to be uncooperative. I had to rack my brain to remember what I used to wear back then. I was pretty conservative, but there were a couple of standout items. Shoulder pads for one. They were in everything! (I must have spent half the 90's cutting them out of all my clothes.) And huge eyeglasses. It's amazing how fly we thought we were, and how stupid they look now. If I can find an old pair I'll rock those.

Another thing I wore constantly were those Reebok aerobics shoes. They used to come in every color of the rainbow. I only wore black (more practical for a poor college student), but I wanted all the colors. Your shoes had to match your shirt too (and so did your socks). Everything matched to a fault. And then there were the jeans—Sergio's, Jordache, Sassoon. And those Member's Only jackets. It's all coming back to me now. (Wake me when the nightmare is over!)

I wore a lot of neckties too. That whole Annie Hall thing was big then. Duck boots also made a splash in the 80's (pun intended). Then there was the jheri curl. The ubiquitous jheri curl. The disgusting, juice-dripping jheri curl. It was on the head of at least 50% of black folks in America at that time (I can't speak for other parts of the world). That's a whole discussion in itself!

As fun as it was tripping down memory lane, I'll just quit while I'm ahead (I'm already too close to giving my age away). :-) I just hope I'll be able to put something together so as not to disappoint.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Photoblog News

I'm ready to start my photoblog. I came up with some good ideas today at work. I've been wanting to get my photos online for a while, but wasn't ready to do a full blown website. I eventually want to do an online gallery, but in the meantime, setting up a blog just feels good right now.

The blog format allows for both snapshot type stuff, and photo essays. I can tell stories, as opposed to just featuring single pieces. I can add short captions or full descriptions of an image—or not. It's whatever I want it to be. I even came up with a name that fits it nicely. I'll share that when it's finally up.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Those Eyes, Those Cheeks …That Hat!

Here's one of my favorite photos of Shakira. She was about 6 or 7 months when I took this. Do you love the hat or what?

Shakira 2

She's OK

Shakira had to be rushed to the hospital last night (or should I say this morning. It was around 2:30am). She had the strangest cough we ever heard, and had very labored breathing. Just the sound of it scared the hell out of us. It turned out to be croup, a condition I only vaguely heard of. It's an inflammation of the respiratory passages. My mother says it used to kill babies back in the day. Thankfully, that's not the case now. They simply gave her some oxygen, a prescription, and set her on her way.

She's still not 100%, but she's a whole lot better than when she left here last night. Thank God!

Catching Up

It's after one in the morning and I've decided to post something. I can't believe it's almost been a week since my last post on Monday; time just goes by too fast sometimes. I guess the novelty of this blogging is starting to wear off, or it could be that I've been much busier this week.

I got called to work on Wednesday, which was good; it's been a while. I was glad to wear my "power suit" again. I learned how to use one of those new DVD cameras for the gig. They basically work like a regular video camera, but are much more delicate. They really are more like computers in that you have to wait for them to read or write to the disk for everything. It slows things down, but the whole tapeless thing is kinda cool. I also got to use the DVD player. I never actually operated one, though I've seen them in the stores. That's definitely on my to-get list.

As much as I love technology, I tend to lag a bit behind, always playing catch-up (mostly for financial reasons). I eventually do, then life is good again. The thing with me is that whatever I get I keep till it stops working or becomes so outmoded that it's not compatible with anything. I'm not one of those gearheads that have to have everything the minute it comes out, then get rid of it the minute the next thing hits the shelves. I like getting to know my equipment enough to not have to think about it. As long as it serves my purposes, it's all good.

My sister's the same way. She's got some dinosaurs like a VCR, a fax machine, and a laser printer from at least 10 years ago that she claims still work. I don't doubt it. We both take very good care of our stuff, so it'll last as long as it can. The problem is that these days equipment isn't made to last, no matter what you do. It's all disposable now. They sell the printers for cheap and you pay a fortune for the ink. It's insane!

It's 1:30 now, and I'm still writing. I don't know why; it's not like I really have anything important to say. I'll just sign off. Until next time.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Give Peace A Chance

Went to see Marianne Williamson again yesterday. I got so much more out of it this time than the last two times I went. Unfortunately, she won't be back in New York like this again for a while.

I've been working on my spiritual side for a while now, and have read all kinds of books like Conversations With God (Books 1-3), and The Artist's Way, both of which I recommend highly, and have kept journals for the last few years, but I don't get to hear people speak that often. I've seen Iyanla Vanzant and Maya Angelou, and although I've heard about Marianne Williamson, I've never heard her speak, not even on television, so when my sister invited me to one of her lectures, sponsored by the seminary she attends, I went. Like any new experience, you don't always jump right in; it takes a while to warm up.

Now I can see what all the fuss is about; the woman is no joke. She has a warm style that draws you in and is very down to earth. Moreso, she knows what she's talking about. She draws her information from many places, especially A Course In Miracles, which I'm now convinced to check out. I'm also going to read her books.

She's even got me interested in politics a little, something I've had zero interest in in the past (beyond voting in major elections). She's the chair for an organization called The Peace Alliance, which is working to create a U.S. Department of Peace. I actually first heard of it though the Conversations books; the author, Neale Walsch, is also working with the Alliance. I think it's all very cool. God knows war doesn't work, so as John Lennon said, "give peace a chance."

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Just Having Fun

Still looking around at blogs. I've actually stopped to read some in their entirety. Real interesting stuff. I'm amazed at just how open people can be on these things. I've never really been an open person (maybe it's the Scorpio in me); very much a loner, even around others. Was real shy as a kid. I'm much better now though (maybe I've just learned how to disguise it better).

I've always wanted to find an outlet to express myself, but nothing ever stuck. Very frustrating. I've been involved in the arts and media arts for years, but it's never really been personal. I've always thought of it more in terms of earning a living or at least making some kind of money (which has yet to really happen, sad to say), or just to help someone else realize their dream. (A good way to hide, perhaps?) Part of the problem is that I overthink everything. I take myself way too seriously, and get freaked out at the possibility of letting go and just doing something for the hell of it—just for fun; I always have to have a reason.

So far, the blogging thing works for me. I'm writing, which is something I've always run away from even though I'm fairly good at it. I've always seen myself more as a visual person. Maybe I'm delusional about this. Maybe writing is where I should be. (See, thinking too much again.)

I was really impressed by one of the blogs I read; I just finished reading it before writing this post. It was by a woman who commented on my New Word blog. (see Poetic Acceptance in the sidebar.) She's really into poetry, which is something I'm new at. She gave me some good advice about checking out online writing forums and not getting scammed by certain "vanity press" sites (whatever those are).

Her blog gave me some ideas about the direction I'd like to take with mine. I think it's already influenced me somehow with the way I'm writing. That's a good thing. I admit that since I started this blog, I've been a little skittish about putting too much of myself on here/out there. I continually remind myself that this process is about letting go of the fear and jumping into something new. It's about me doing whatever I want to do, with no explanations or apologies, and learning as I go—and having fun with it. So that's what I'm going to do.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Back Again

It's been a few days since my last entry. I've been doing a lot of research for New Word. I've been adding links and setting up different add-ons like counters, etc., and editing old posts. I've also added a couple of things here as well. That stuff takes a lot longer than you'd think; all the back and forth between different sites, checking and rechecking until it's right. I spend a lot of time in the Help section.

Since I'm still new to blogging and web design, I spend a lot of time just learning how to do things, like using HTML to make changes to the templates. Doing HTML coding is a pain in the ass, but it's good to be able to get things exactly the way I want them; it really appeals to my anal side.

The whole literary thing is pretty fascinating also. I'm learning a lot about books and writers, and who I'd like to feature in New Word. I'm particularly interested in books that have been made into movies, poetry, and African-American literature (each one could be a blog unto itself).

It's so amazing how the internet can carry you from one thing to the next once you start digging around. You really get lost in it; I have to force myself to leave the computer sometimes, the hours just roll by. I do need to get out and take a walk or something. (See previous post, "Blogging: The New Crack?")

It's all worth it to see how things are coming together. Once I get the look and formatting down I should be posting a lot more.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

New Word Update (aka Blog #2)

Was working on New Word for most of yesterday. It's looking pretty good. I even got a comment, which I didn't expect so soon; I was still adding edits to the post when it came through. I have to say, it was very exciting for me. You write this stuff as if someone might read it, but you don't really know if they will.

If you want to check out New Word, the link is in the sidebar.

I'm also in the process of collaborating on another blog with a friend. That's shaping up to be pretty interesting. Stay posted for more info.

P.S. Thanks to the guys who responded to my little honeybunch, Shakira. She is something special. I don't look forward to those teenage years though. We'll have to beat the boys off with a stick!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Blog #2

I've spent most of today and part of last night setting up a new blog. It's a literary blogzine called "New Word." I had other names I wanted to use, but they were taken. This one works for me though. (For the record: It really annoys me when people give their blog one name and the URL another.)

As much as I enjoy working on this blog, I needed something more genre-specific to get into. I've thought about doing a literary magazine for a long time, but never did. Truth be told, I didn't think I was literary enough back then, even though I was an English major. I'm still not, but I'm interested enough to learn as I go. The expense of publishing one didn't help either.

Once I discovered blogging, I thought immediately of doing a literary-based blog, and decided to start working on ideas for content. It's been a lot of fun for me so far, and I know it'll be a wonderful learning experience.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Is That A Face?!

This is my baby goddaughter, Shakira, at 21 months; it was taken this past Christmas. I have more that I'll be posting from time to time. This just happens to be the one I carry around in my wallet to show everyone.

(What kind of godmother would I be
if I didn't immortalize her in my blog?)

Shakira 3

Friday, April 08, 2005

Just Another Day

(This is the reconstruction. Not too bad if I say so myself.)

I almost didn't think I'd be able to post anything today. I've been out getting my hair done, and picking up my 2 year old goddaughter, Shakira, from daycare, and I'm kind of tired. (It's days like this I wish I drove.)

The hair thing is always draining, just because it takes so long (4 hrs. + 2-1/2 hrs. travel time = 6 hrs. total), but it was a pleasant experience. I hadn't had anyone do my hair since I first locked it over 6 years ago, but I'm tired of doing it myself, and was ready for a change. So when my sister offered to treat me, I didn't say no.

Picking up the baby was another story. I only did it because her mother asked me to, but the kid gave me such a hard time. All the kicking and screaming; we could hardly get her in the stroller. (Did I say she was 2?) The daycare is only a block and a half away, but it seemed more like 10 it took so long. It was a little embarrassing. The way she was crying and trying to wriggle herself out of the stroller, I didn't want anyone to think I was hurting her or something.

Once we did get home, she eventually calmed down, and her mother came home soon thereafter. All's well that ends well.

Not Happy

I just wrote something to post and it got deleted when I tried to publish it in preview mode. BAD IDEA! Now I have to try and reconstruct the whole thing. Just for the record, I'm PISSED!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Linking Drama

I just added links to some favorite CDs. I'll be adding book and movie links as well. I think it took me an hour to figure out how to do everything. Right now I have text links to Amazon, where the albums can be purchased directly. I'll be adding photos of the albums as well, just to keep things interesting. If I'm able to, I'll try to link the photos back to Amazon to keep things consistent.

Thurs.Night Crew

Other than the photo of myself, I haven't put any other images up. I've got to do something about that. I've got tons of God's Love pictures, but I won't put up that many. Only when relevant to the story.

Here's a photo taken of all of us in the kitchen at God's Love last year. I don't know who actually took it, but it was with Lars' camera. This was taken the day before they started renovating the kitchen. We had to move out of SoHo and go to Long Island City for the summer. All I can say is, we survived.

thurs nite crew

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Blogging: The New Crack?

As much fun as I'm having with this blogging thing, I am getting a little junked out on it. It's like cybercrack or something. I've hardly left my computer in over a week! I have learned a lot, but I think I need to lay off some of the research for all the other blogs I want to do and just have fun with the blog I have now—this one!

Virgin Love

Here it is. My first published poem, in my first published blog.


I want to write about life—
Life in general, but mine in particular.

I want to write poems and songs and books and movies
Stupid and sweet, profound and profane.

I want to write important things and trivial shit
About what color to paint my room—or my hair.

I want to write about world peace
And how to be at peace in a world
Where there’s no justice or peace.

I want to write something everyone wants to read
But won’t be able to because they won’t know it exists.

I want to write a memoir chronicling a life
Well-lived, well loved, and well sexed.

I want to write about all the stuff I did
And the stuff I didn’t do but always wanted to do.

I want to write a bunch of nonsensical stuff
That makes all the sense in the world.

I want to write about yesterday, today, and the hereafter
When it’s supposed to be over but really isn’t.

I want to write about what I believe in,
Even if it’s absolutely nothing.

I want to write about my hopes and dreams and desires,
Even if they’re nothing more than fantasy.

I want to write more
And could say a lot less,
So let me put the pen down and just write.

© 2004 Melanie Morgan

For the Love of Randy

I got some really great feedback from Randy yesterday about the changes to the Thurs.Night site. I added some Poetry Month links and a poem by Langston Hughes. I also added a poem of my own called, "Just Write." Before I republished the site I performed some minor surgery on it which really tightened it up. I hadn't looked at it, or any of my other stuff, for quite a while. Getting away from it added some much needed perspective to it. I have to admit, it really wasn't bad work for a beginner.

She signed my guestbook and this is what she said, "Bravo Melanie, I heard your voice strong and true in your poem. Follow that voice and I'm sure it will lead you in the direction you want to go." Is that great or what?! She said she heard my voice. That's been my whole purpose for journaling and starting this blog—to find my voice (and use it). The fact that she used those words lets me know that I'm on the right track. I've been silent for so long. I'm just thankful to the Creator for helping me to finally open up.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

Shopping Around

Still looking around at other blogs. Just checked out TypePad and some of the blogs created from it. I have ideas for another blog that might be better off over there. I could start it here and move it over there later, but that would be a waste of time and energy. I'll just wait. I like having my personal one here though. I love the simplicity of it, and the templates, though limited, are cool.

Eventually, I'd like to use Movable Type to do something. I already have an idea for a much more involved blog for my business. I'll have to do some research on that and see what I'd ultimately want to do. No rush though. It's going to take some time; I've only just arrived in the blogosphere. :-)

I've already gotten suggestions about other blogs and websites to design. Those are still under consideration. In the meantime, I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Blogging 101

For almost 2 weeks I've been learning about blogging. I went to and got their About U. course in weblogs. It's really helped me understand enough to set mine up before I even finished the course. I highly recommend them. I'll be getting their web design lessons once I complete the blogging ones. Since they email them to you, I could just get them and hold them till I'm ready, but I'd rather finish one course at a time. I won't feel so backed up. The thing about them is that they have so many links in each lesson it can get a little confusing. That's not necessarily a bad thing, you've just got to know when to stop surfing. I just bookmarked a lot of them for later.

Right now, I've just been looking through the other Blogger blogs. I'm not really trying to read them right now, I just want to see how they're set up, and what kinds of add-ons people have. If any sites interest me, I bookmark them. I've already picked up a couple things. So far, so good.

I already figured out how to get add-ons in the sidebar—that was a major accomplishment for my first day on Blogger. I have a PayPal button up now, and will be looking for others. Using Sitebuilder actually helped me understand the whole HTML thing better, and not be intimidated by it. Despite the predone template thing, I like being able to customize my text as much as possible, so I learned enough HTML to do what I want. I want to do the same with Blogger. In addition to the sidebar thing, I've already started using code to add bolds and italics to the text. Next, I want to start adding images. That's when the fun will really begin!

Maiden Voyage - Part Two

I realized last night, after posting my first entry, that I talked more about my other website than this one. I was just too tired to write anymore. I'd been staring into the computer for hours and had had enough.

As much as I enjoy working on the "Thurs.Night" site, and the responses I get from the crew, which are so positive, it's not the same as having a completely personal forum like this. Just seeing my first entry go live was an incredible feeling. I would encourage anyone with a desire to write and basic computer skills to try this. My eyes have definitely been opened.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Maiden Voyage

I'm really doing it! I'm starting a weblog. I didn't even know what one was a couple of months ago. This is my first blog and only my second website. I'm working on a third, and have plans for others (mostly business sites). I'll eventually try to get paid for doing this.

I've been wanting to create websites for years now, but for whatever reason, I never got to it. I think I was just intimidated. I created my first site in November, and published it Thanksgiving Day. I created it for my volunteer group at God's Love We Deliver. We meet every Thursday night from 6-9. I've been volunteering in the kitchen at God's Love off and on for about seven years. We're a pretty close bunch over there, so I wanted to create a way for us to stay connected. I came up with the idea to create an email newsletter. I wanted one of those HTML types you always get from people selling stuff, but I couldn't figure out how they were done so I did a website instead. I actually thought of doing both—having the website support the newsletter—but thought better of it. (I tend to get in a little over my head with new ideas.)

I created the site using this web-based platform called Sitebuilder that came free with my Verizon DSL account. It was pretty easy, though at times a pain in the ass. I completed the site in about 5 days, but messed it up playing with HTML code. I had to reconstruct the whole site. Thankfully, it was only 7 pages. After taking a couple of days to cool off and lick my wounds, it took about an hour and change to set it back up.

Altogether it took a week to get the site up. I call it "Thurs.Night." I created a cool little logo for it and it's gotten a lot of positive feedback from the group, as well as some God's Love staff. I even got permission to use the God's Love logo on the site. No objections so far.

Here's the link:

That URL gets on my nerves. Just the fact that I memorized it is such an incredible waste of brain space. I'll be getting a real domain name soon.