Friday, September 16, 2005

3 Blogs and Counting

I've set up a new blog for my God's Love volunteer group. It's been fun, but time consuming. We had a regular website that I set up on Verizon for free (a little history), but I decided to convert it to a blog using TypePad which I have to pay for. Money notwithstanding, I really like the way it's shaping up. I could have done it on Blogger, but I really like the photo album feature TypePad has, and the overall look and feel just worked better for me. They also have password protection, which keeps the site private. I was concerned it would be too much of a pain for everyone, but no one's complained so far.

Because this is a blog primarily for non-bloggers, I had to explain the basics of a blog and why I chose the format. For our purpose, I just figured a blog would be a great way to maintain the connection within the group, especially through comments. And the ability to have everything archived would be great for new people to see what we've been up to. It's already starting to catch on. Case in point: One of our Thursday night volunteers moved to Israel about 2 weeks ago. She was able to comment to the blog and let us know how she was doing. She could have sent me an email, and I could have relayed the message, but this way she was able to post her comments directly so the whole group could see them. That's the whole point.

I'm sure more people will get the hang of it as we go along, but I'm just glad I got the site back up. Now I've got 3 blogs to attend to, and there's no sign of stopping.


Blogger Modigliani said...

Hey Mel... I went and checked out your thurs. night blog. WOW!!! It looks AWESOME!! Typepad ROCKS and you did an amazing job. :))

9:39 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Thanks a lot, Mo. As always, I can count on your support. Right now, you're my biggest blog fan, so please keep checking in. You always make my day. XXOO

10:49 AM  

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