So Many Blogs, Too Little Time
Since I started blogging almost 6 months ago I've heard words like "syndication," "feeds," "atom," and "aggregators," thrown around, as well as acronyms like "XML," and "RSS," not knowing fully what they meant. Even when I read definitions of them it didn't sink in 100%. I wasn't really sure about "podcasting" either. What's a pod, and how do you cast it?
I'm now proud to say a big chunk of my ignorance is gone. Although I still have lots to learn, I'm now a believer and user of these tools to help plug in to blogs, vlogs, and podcasts much easier than visiting each site separately. Instead of me going to them, they now come to me. It's like having my own TV or radio station where I can just change the channel to whatever I want to watch/read/listen to. Whether through iTunes, which I started using first, or NetNewsWire, which I'm using now, or FireANT, which I plan on using for videos once I upgrade my OS, I can subscribe to any blog and be regularly updated on whatever's new without having to visit 50 different sites. Now I can keep up with my blogger friends that much easier, and with whatever's happening in the blogosphere without all the back-and-forth.
I owe my knowledge in no small part to the videobloggers who are on a mission to let the world know about all this stuff. A few of them actually created FireANT, including my new vlogger bud, Jay Dedman, who I mentioned in an earlier post.
I've been having a lot of fun subscribing to new blogs and scrolling through them everyday. My blog life's definitely gotten a lot easier because of it, although I really haven't saved much time.